Key Term Finding

Monday, February 22, 2010

common life & yet uncommon~

There’s only one thing to hold on if it’s the only left.
One thing to ponder if there’s nothing else to think of,
One thing to live on if you have only one life.

It could be the only breath you ask for,
And anything but a single moment to be with Him.
The source of giver, life of all creation,
The greatness you could ever imagine.

Like our days, we live & die,
We laugh & cry,
We’re broken & healed..
Yet some people think…
Life is too much to go on…

Things come & go,
Time ushers in & out,
Fashion gets outdated with the updated ones,
Leaves turn to yellow from green…
Yet, is time able to turn back..?

Very often the answer we know is “no”,
We still ‘wishes” , wasting the time of thinking back, “what if..”

(A gift to you, from random flow of the heart)