Key Term Finding

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Pearl was Presented Before my Eyes

30 August 2017 (Wed)

I have not been doing this, as in writing a blog for ages I suppose.
I have decided to pen down the details of my life, "again". hahaha.

went to Prayer meeting at Church of Praise (Ipoh), it was around 11pm.
I started to pray in tongues & praising when I put my short focus on God, with eyes closed.

I saw the picture of a Pearl (a vision you may name it).
And immediately I say, "I receive by faith"

Image result for picture of a pearl
I saw a big large Pearl in front of me, a short distance away from me floating in the air.

I give thanks to God for this beautiful pearl (not really knowing the true meaning behind). I was thinking that God maybe wants to tell me that I am precious to him.

and the next day on 31st August 2017, it is merdeka Day. I am back to office for work.

(yea I know everyone's natural response would be, oh no! hahha. and I tried to discuss with boss to close office but when boss says 'open shop' means 'no close shop' lol. )

Well God can speak to us everywhere whenever we are available to hear and listen. ;) it was just a short whisper: "I have kept you for myself, because I love you". I was like being blown away.

Image result for picture of ear

1) Giving Thanks.
the next response from me, I say: "God thank you for loving me. thank you for telling me that you love me. and that you love me so much that you want to keep me all by yourself (and could that be a reason that I remain single all these while) I smile thinking that it could be a nice joke. then soon within seconds I broke into tears. I was being convicted by the Holy Spirit, that God loves me so much. using my time in single hood to serve him, honour him & having "Him" as my attention & devotion.
(P/s:small confession that some of my time I use for watching Chinese drama at home, and other distractions)

2) Search with resources at hand.
I google search meaning of Pearl. and here is some finding:

#1) Definition:
Matthew is using a variety of similes for the kingdom of heaven…a pearl is a perfect simile because a fine pearl is a valuable treasure that needs no polishing or cutting by man. It comes to us complete and lustrous created by God through nature, as is the kingdom of heaven, which only God could create and perfect.

~ I was tearing while reading this, being reminded I am God's precious Pearl. God perfected me through the work of Christ on the cross.

#2) Reading references:
**I was being 'wowh' in the highlighted in Yellow**

The Parables of Matthew 13 (Part Seven):
The Parable of the Pearl
Forerunner, "Bible Study," May 2006

The first four parables of Matthew 13 are darkened by an ominous cloud. In contrast, the last four cast light on the assurance of a positive future for the saints. In this second of the chapter's third pair of parables, Jesus reveals more secrets to His disciples regarding the high value God places on the church. The Parable of the Pearl (verse 45) particularly reveals the high cost to God of acquiring potential members of His Kingdom.
Until we are baptized members of God's church with the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, we cannot understand the full meaning and purpose of God's plan. As Asaph writes, "When I thought how to understand this, it was too painful for me—until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I understood their end" (Psalm 73:16-17). This parable helps us understand God's perspective.
Between the Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Parable of the Pearl, we can notice this distinction: The Treasure is made up of units of precious things, such as coins and gems of various kinds, although they are collectively one treasure. The Pearl, however, is a single object. These two illustrations—both of which conclude at the same place, the completion of the purchase—represent different aspects of the same truths: the costliness of the Treasure or Pearl, and the joy of the Purchaser.
1. Whom does the merchant represent? Matthew 13:45-46.
Comment: The merchant is seriously and deliberately searching the world to secure the best and costliest gems. It is his livelihood, and he is diligent to travel extensively because he knows his efforts will be rewarded when he finds the best and purchases them. Since Christ is the One who seeks the sinner (Luke 19:9-10John 6:44), the merchant cannot represent the members of God's church (Romans 3:11). The Shepherd seeks the sheep, not vice versa.
The use of the word "seeking" (Matthew 13:45) helps identify the merchant as Christ, as it means "to depart from one place and arrive at another." Jesus did this Himself to pay the price for the pearl. He departed from heaven and arrived on earth to complete His mission (Philippians 2:6-7II Corinthians 8:9). He gave up everything—He sold all—to possess us!
2. What is the significance of the pearl? Same verses.
Comment: Unlike other gems, pearls are produced by a living organism, an oyster, as the result of an injury. It usually begins forming around a grain of sand or an egg of some parasite that invaded the oyster. The oyster protects itself by layering the irritant with nacre (mother-of-pearl) until, out of pain and suffering, it forms an object of great beauty. The offending party actually becomes a gem of great worth.
In a similar way, spiritually, we are an irritant, a parasite due to our nature and sins (Romans 3:23-26). However, because God loves us, we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, and gradually, we can become a thing of beauty, clothed with the righteousness of Him who bought us (Romans 3:24-26Ephesians 2:13). As long as the pearl—the church—remains in the oyster—the world—it has no value. In fact, the pearl has no real intrinsic worth; its value resides in the immense cost paid for it.
3. How does grace apply in this parable?
Comment: The doctrine of God's grace is essential in understanding this parable (II Corinthians 9:15Romans 6:23). The merchant is willing to buy the pearl at an exorbitant cost. No one can buy salvation or the Kingdom of God or eternal life for himself. Grace would not be grace if one were able to barter with God (Luke 7:41-42). According to Scripture, we have no righteousness, no talents, no goods, nothing that is of any value in purchasing such a priceless gift from God (Isaiah 64:6). Peter's denunciation of Simon Magus clearly shows that no one can buy what belongs to God (Acts 8:17-24).
Further, we do not choose Christ but He selects us (John 15:16Luke 19:10). Since He is the merchant, the price paid was His life, and the church is the pearl. The church is one body (Ephesians 4:4), composed of those He has sought out through the ages to be a habitation of Christ by His Spirit and who will be His bride at His return.
The Pearl presents a wonderful picture of the purchase of the church in preparation for the Kingdom of God. It is encouraging to know that Jesus does not seek us in reluctant fulfillment of duty. Nor is He groping in the dark, hoping that we will respond to His plea, but He seeks us out with an efficient, organized, pre-planned goal in mind. He pursues us as a man courts a woman to be his bride, willing to spill His own blood as her purchase price (Acts 20:28). What greater price could have been paid for the church than the life of Jesus Christ, the perfect sacrifice?

© 2006 Church of the Great God
PO Box 471846
Charlotte, NC  28247-1846
(803) 802-7075

Overall, I enjoyed the small little things that God wants to reveal to me. :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Failures to be left behind, & not to look back ?

Come to a season, when one starts wondering...? "why isn't moving; or even stepping out..... "
"Why isn't one venturing into something, which drives the passion?" ; still the answer remains, in silent which sinks into the ocean, fall onto the bottomless seabed...
in the midst of your friends, just laughingly allowing the conversation passes by....

Somehow, you will be tempted to search & root out the cause that has brought one to this current situation.....?

Just to realize, a small whisper from the heart :"fear..."; and you reply to yourself, "hahah (acting as if un-believable state).. (starting to be serious)ermm, what fear?what's the cause...?"
Answer: "it's your pass failures" ....reply: "is it so? I'm sorry I truly couldn't get over.... " The tear drop falls like little pearls onto the ground.

This rewinds back to the situation: I've been good in something (copy writing & ideas),while, being criticized with things which I'm bad at (e.g. management, & details...) ; so easily it defeats the spark of confidence within, just like blowing off little fire which burning weakly on  standing candle in this treasure heart.. "pufff" -  the fire gone.

Resulting the current status quo. Whenever you want to move forward, the past pulls you back valiantly to the ground, gradually the thought of failures surfaces on to your mind...."you can't do it".

My Biggest Challenge: God has to break this vicious cycle in my mind. the thoughts which always overwhelm,by the state of failure. I release those past failures, into the hands of God; & believing, the Almighty is bringing me into something New victoriously.

ending with a song of encouragement, by Casting Crowns

Thursday, May 19, 2011

".... 再把我心溶化,就好似用来溶解金块。"

而我? 就被你的慈爱,


沿着这路程,就是您赐的盼望, 只能列诵您爱的意言。。。
耶稣, 您让我心感激不尽!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"就由脸上挂着微笑......微昧地点头 - 结局方案"

不明不了! 怎能让人理解?当已对且感受并模糊不清。。。

相望, 也只不过表达心声,牵累着无法描述心内的深处。

爱得散发不断在呼唤,多么想自由发挥;可是只能克制本感受; 以免双方都受伤?
挥挥手, 就把这些来龙去脉的情感来个告别?
我不否认对你的感觉: 也至少? 我能凭良心,打打胸口, 发出真心

就由一个脸上挂着微笑,接着一个微昧地点头; 作个结局方案。

*自由发挥: 表示交流,交谈方面

Friday, November 5, 2010

"过去",是人生的一部分, 而不是生命的所有

过去,是人生的一部分, 而不是生命的所有

“舍不得” 乃是个借口


(partly inspired by song above)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

my inspiration becomes your life

inspiration is something never fails
it takes a thought to lead to another,
and so,one inspiration thought leads to another,
and a person of inspiration will bore another too...
in condition, with people of the like-minded mind and of same frequency of thoughts.

"inspire, to be inspired"
may it be a life motto of every individual.
living a life of inspiration, is one will never find its regrets in..
to measure the fruitfulness of one's inspiration is when it leads to a contribution to many.

life can be a source for lots of reasons, even a mortal mind couldn't comprehend.
to inspire may just bring a spark,
and so, when it just left, it has left for good...
leaving you,but a mind of blank state...

(inspiration has just been stolen, for somewhat....not understood reasons, & can't explain....
and so,the writing has come to a halt)





要记住, 风能从四方八面吹。。
当吹到您身上可算巧合,也得可算一种幸福, 或荣幸吧。

他是人一种自然反应,可以在理科解答, 也只不过逻辑上的一些看法。。



主要是, 我们该知情感的过去,绝对不会再回来。。。
失去了,您怎么抓也缓不会; 就能等下一回再吹来的风吧

